The Different Types of IRAs May 29, 2018 This popular retirement savings vehicle comes in several varieties. What don’t you know? Many Americans know about Roth and traditional IRAs, but there are other types of Individual Retirement Arrangements. Here’s a quick look at all the different types of IRAs: Traditional IRAs (occasionally called deductible IRAs) are the “original” IRAs. In most cases, contributions [...]
Adjusting Your Portfolio as You Age May 7, 2018 As you approach retirement, it may be time to pay more attention to investment risk. If you are an experienced investor, you have probably fine-tuned your portfolio through the years in response to market cycles or in pursuit of a better return. As you approach or enter retirement, is another adjustment necessary? Some investors may [...]
The Risks of Putting Too Much Money Into an Annuity April 27, 2018 These private income contracts do have potential flaws. It may not be good to have all your eggs in an annuity basket. Or even a majority of your eggs, financially speaking. Fundamentally, an annuity contract means handing over your money to an insurer. In turn, the insurer pays out an income stream to you from [...]
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Avoid These Life Insurance Missteps April 27, 2018 Shop wisely when you look for coverage. Are you about to buy life insurance? Shop carefully. Make your choice with insight from an insurance professional, as it may help you avoid some of these all-too-common missteps. Buying the first policy you see. Anyone interested in life insurance should take the time to compare a few [...]
Qualifying for a Disability Retirement Under the FERS April 27, 2018 Should you have to leave your federal job early, would you be eligible? You may anticipate working for the federal government until you retire. One question is worth considering, however: what if you have to leave your federal job because of a health issue before you reach retirement age? Is a disability retirement then in [...]
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TSP Withdrawal Options Are Changing April 27, 2018 New rules could soon mean more flexibility. By 2020, federal employees with Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) accounts should have new withdrawal choices for their invested assets. New rules are scheduled to be implemented through the TSP Modernization Act, permitting TSP participants more flexibility.1 The TSP withdrawal rules have been strict for many years. Too strict, [...]
A Retirement Gender Gap April 27, 2018 Why a middle-class woman may end up less ready to retire than a middle-class man. What is the retirement outlook for the average fifty-something working woman? As a generalization, less sunny than that of a man in her age group. Most middle-class retirees get their income from three sources. An influential 2016 National Institute on [...]
Are Your Beneficiary Designations Up to Date? March 13, 2018 Who should inherit your IRA or 401(k)? See that they do Here’s a simple financial question: who is the beneficiary of your IRA? How about your 401(k) or annuity? You may be saying, “I’m not sure.” It is smart to periodically review your beneficiary designations. Your choices may need to change with the times. When [...]
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How Retirement Spending Changes With Time March 13, 2018 Once away from work, your cost of living may rise before it falls. New retirees sometimes worry that they are spending too much, too soon. Should they scale back? Are they at risk of outliving their money? This concern is legitimate. Many households “live it up” and spend more than they anticipate as retirement starts [...]
Catching Up on Retirement Saving March 13, 2018 If you are starting at or near 50, consider these ideas. Do you fear you are saving for retirement too late? Plan to address that anxiety with some positive financial moves. If you have little saved for retirement at age 50 (or thereabouts), there is still much you can do to generate a fund for [...]